
To-Do List

Life seems more manageable when you make lists.

Ahh, the satisfaction of crossing a task off the list.

More tasks are added; the satisfaction is replaced with frustration and overwhelm.

Hold it together.  Maintain a perfect façade.

Smile and act as if everything is ok. 

Don’t let anyone know that you feel lonely, sad, or scared.

Get up, go to work, check things off the list; rinse and repeat.

You keep pushing through; if you slowed down, you might have to deal with uncomfortable feelings.

Individual therapy is an investment in YOU!

It’s time to move yourself to the top of the list.

Somewhere along the way you got lost; now’s the time to reconnect to your true self.

Be curious. Examine what no longer serves you.

Gain clarity on what it is you really want out of life.

Let’s talk. Call me at (424) 256-3881 to schedule a consultation.